
Admission To Crackley Hall - Reception To Junior 6

Most of our pupils enter at Nursery and progress through to Reception. Some pupils also join us at Reception and pupils are welcome at any age, dependent on a place being available. Places in other years may be limited and, in years where there is no place available, we operate waiting groups.

We encourage prospective parents and pupils to visit us both formally and informally to get a true flavour of the school. We hold various Open Events throughout the year, including a specific Nursery and Reception Open Evening in October, which prospective parents and pupils are most welcome to attend. Individual tours are also available. A meeting with Mr Robert Duigan, the Headmaster, is also a key part of the admissions process.

Our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan will be pleased to talk you through the admissions process and current availability, please contact her on 01926 514410/514444 or email her on To request a prospectus pack please click here.

To download our current Crackley Information Booklet click here.

Reception 2024

We had very high levels of interest in places for our Reception class for September 2024 entry at the Early Bird Application deadline stage. As a result, we have already allocated all of the available places in these year groups for September 2024. We are now operating a waiting group in this year group for families who are still interested in a place, should one become available. If you have not yet registered but are interested in joining the waiting group, you are still very welcome to apply.

Current Reception to Junior 6

Applications for places in the current Reception to Junior 6 will be treated on an individual basis. In years where there is no place available, we operate waiting groups. Please contact Jenny Vaughan, our Registrar, to discuss.

Should a potential place be available you will be invited in to meet with Mr Duigan, the Headmaster, then if appropriate you should complete a Registration Form and return it with the accompanying fee of £75 (non-returnable), after which time your child will be invited for a Taster Day. 

We will also ask for your child’s most recent school report to support your application and will seek a reference from your child’s current school. Following receipt of this information, confirmation of a place being offered would be made in writing. To secure your place return your completed Confirmation of Acceptance Form with a deposit of £400 within 14 days of the date of the offer being made.

The final deadline for applications and completed registration forms for entry in September 2024 is Friday 24 May 2024. All incoming pupils need to have completed the admissions process by Friday 7 June 2024 to enable the applicant to attend our planned Induction Morning at the end of that month. (Although a place at Crackley Hall may become available after this date, and applications will be processed, we cannot guarantee availability of places.)

New pupils are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school, staff and fellow pupils when they are invited to our Induction Morning in the Trinity Term, normally at the end of June. 

Bursaries are available for pupils wishing to join Crackley Hall although these are normally awarded to children from Junior 3 and above. Whilst the main financial criteria are household income and net assets, each application is considered on its own merits. 

Costs associated with dependant sick or disabled children will be taken into account and an allowance is made where there are other children already in the Foundation.

Our general guidance is that currently bursaries are not normally granted where gross household income exceeds £60,000 per annum and/or total net assets exceed £250,000.

Applications are made via an online system, please contact to be sent a link to the system.

Note: Deposits are refunded after the end of the final term which the pupil spends at the school.

For more information and to download a registration form please click here.

Overseas Applications

The Crackley Hall community is enriched by the inclusion of children from many different countries and we are happy to assist parents relocating from overseas with their applications. The Crackley family currently includes children who have joined us from the USA, China, Brazil, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Korea.

If parents are visiting the UK we ask them to meet with Mr Duigan, the Headmaster.  Where a taster day is not possible and where children are English-speaking and in Year 2 or above, we can arrange for assessment papers in English and Maths to be sent to the child’s current school for them to administer and send back to us for marking.

Where children do not speak English as a first language or are too young to take assessment papers, we ask for school reports and a reference from the current school prior to offering a place.

We work closely at Crackley with a trusted partner who is experienced in English Language teaching and who can tailor a programme to meet the individual needs of children joining us.  This normally focuses on an initial intensive period of English Language support, tailing off as the child becomes more proficient and settles into life at Crackley Hall.

Our Registrar, Jenny Vaughan will always be happy to answer any questions regarding applications from overseas and to ensure that the admissions process runs as smoothly as possible.

You can email her at or telephone her direct line on 01926 514410.